This is a mid-poly (38K polygons) 3D model reconstruction of the Holy Trinity Chapel in Antarctica, built between 2003 and 2005 by the architect Alexander Schmidt, based on a chapel by the lake Uzhin, near Valday, Russian Federation. The 3D model was created in Blender 3D and textured in Adobe Substance 3D Painter. It’s part of a personal project of digital 3D reconstructions of interesting wooden constructions worldwide.

The below is a commentary (from either S.I. Fudel or N.V. Balashov) that fits very well with how I feel about the shocking current official opinions of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the reason I still do hold hopes for, as Fudel would say, the true, genuinely good forces inside the Eastern Orthodox Church, whose philosophical and philokalical treasures I find valuable:

“The life of the [Orthodox Christian] Church is a continuation in the history of the life of Jesus Christ. In this fact is the whole explanation of the Church. Christ - in His Last Supper, Golgotha ​​and Resurrection, Christ - in His holiness, continues to live in the body of the Church by the Holy Spirit. We can only talk about such truly holy Church, since only such a Church is the love and hope of mankind. She is the light that ‘shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it’ (John 1:5). And it truly exists: we see the footprints of the saints even in our days. There was enough darkness in its history. The pagan emperors tried to wipe the Church off the face of the earth. The Church teachings were also distorted by the heretics - from the Gnostics to Tolstoy. But much more terrible for the Church has always been the inner darkness: not the Turkish sultans, chopping off christian heads, and not people who openly or primitively distorted the dogmas of the faith and thereby separated themselves from the Church, but that force of evil, which, not being dissociated from the Church, and without being denied by the Church, corrupted the church body from within, winning back the pastures of vice within the church and its fences. This inner darkness is a consequence of the separation of faith from love, dogma from life, the creation of some kind of illusory, verbal or ‘symbolic’ faith that does not follow the path of love, the path of fulfilling the commandments.”

(S. I. Fudel, 'Collected works in three volumes, Volume II', Moscow, Russkiy Put’, 2003. Compilation, text preparation, comments by prot. N.V. Balashov, )


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